Untangling the Web of Overthinking

In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, it’s all too easy to get caught in the snare of overthinking. We find ourselves trapped in a web of endless thoughts, replaying scenarios, and analyzing every possible outcome. Overthinking can be exhausting, overwhelming, and detrimental to our emotional well-being. In […]

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Superstitons & Beliefs

What are superstitions? There is no single definition of superstition, but superstition generally includes belief in supernatural forces such as fate, the desire to influence unpredictable factors, and the need to eliminate the uncertainty. included. Thus, individual beliefs and experiences drive superstition. That is why superstitions are generally irrational and […]

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What do healthy boundaries look like

Healthy boundaries are the ultimate guide to successful relationships. Without healthy boundaries, relationships do not thrive—they result in feelings of resentment, disappointment, or violation.Boundaries are what happen when you can sense yourself and what you need and want and access your voice to speak to those things. We all have […]

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Acceptance & moving on

Acceptance can be a confusing word. Some things get called “unacceptable” because they are clearly wrong in some ways. And yet if you allow such events or behavior to bother you, someone wise will inevitably turn around and say something like “You need to accept it”. Things happen throughout the […]

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‘Older makes you wiser’ is it always true?

‘You should always listen to your elders’‘I have been in this world longer than you have’‘Old ways are the best’ Just how many times have you been told ‘Older makes you wiser’? A little too many times, isn’t it? But is that any true? Let’s consider a scenario: At work, […]

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