Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset – It’s no debate which side you want to be on

“If you’re the smartest person in a room, you’re in the wrong room”

But why? What is the problem with being the smartest person in the room?

That’s where the idea of a growth mindset vs. a fixed mindset comes to play. Think of it this way: you could continue to enjoy the benefits of being the smartest person in the room for eternity, but would it challenge you anymore? Would it help you grow and unlock new goals for yourself? Probably not.

Having a growth mindset is critical, and is the only way forward to achieve your goals in life. Imagine if the greatest minds that history has ever seen had a fixed mindset – if they gave up easily, if they took criticism personally, or if they stayed adamant about their thoughts & opinions – we would probably not be living in the world we are living in today.

For people with a growth mindset, motivation often comes from within. They are more open to criticism, which they take on constructively and improve upon themselves. They love being challenged, and strive hard to rise out at the top. They are also more open to trying out new things, be it an adventure or a new relationship. These qualities, invariably, lead to such people giving out a strong positive vibe around them, which in turn inspires others.

People with growth mindsets are also often more ‘humble’ than people with a fixed mindset. Let’s take for example the legendary Michael Jordan. While he has every reason to feel like a god at his art, his down to earth attitude is what keeps him motivated & growing each day. He believes that he ‘is a human being like anyone else’, and what he has achieved is simply a result of hard work, patience, and persistence. When you have accepted the truth that you’re not born great, but are made great with the things you do, you keep pushing yourself one step further each day to make a difference, for you and the world around you.

On the other hand, consider the elite tennis player, John McEnroe. There’s no dispute that he’s a great tennis player – however, his pride precedes him. He was not the kind who would take on challenges when the going got tough – instead, he would fold and let his pride take the best of him. That’s what a fixed mindset does to you; you develop an attitude that punches you right in the gut the moment something unsettling comes along the way.

There are many great people in the history of mankind who have represented these mindsets. The common difference between the growth & fixed mindsets, so far, has been – People with a fixed mindset have achieved great things for themselves, whereas the people with a growth mindset have brought about a change to the world around them, and created a legacy that will last an eternity.

Needless to say, a growth mindset ticks almost every box when it comes to leading a positive, healthy life. However, the people you surround yourself with also has a significant impact on your mindset. If you surround yourself with people with a fixed mindset, they will never encourage or allow you to grow – they are so comfortable with the stability, they wouldn’t want anything else otherwise. And so, it becomes all the more important to surround yourself with the right people.

Have a look at this chart. Do you feel you are living a positive, healthy life with a growth mindset? Or are you currently in a zone leaning more towards a fixed mindset? If that’s the case, seek a counsellor who can help identify the challenges that are keeping you away from developing a growth mindset, and guide you on the transformation.

Stay healthy, and keep growing!

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