Immunity – it’s defined as our body’s capability to recognize and tolerate whatever belongs to the self, and to recognize and reject what is foreign (non-self)
Whenever we think of immunity, we think of our physical well-being – being immune to diseases, in particular. We either take meds to develop immunity against bacteria/virus, or we develop natural immunity against them overtime.
However, there’s so much more to immunity than just our physical health.
Think about this: We’ve all been through tough situations in our lives. Be it being cheated by someone, or being left alone to survive at a critical moment. Even during the lowest emotional downtimes, we somehow find a way to get out of it healthy & happy, no matter how long it takes. And when you’re back to your fittest, you learn a very important lesson – what NOT to do the next time you encounter a similar situation.
That’s Immunity!
It’s not only your body that develops immunity against diseases, but also your brain that learns from difficult situations and develops immunity towards them. It’s rightly said that we become wiser with experience – it’s because each experience builds our emotional immunity, which is the capability to recognize and tolerate what works best in our favour, and to recognize and reject what is harmful to our emotional well-being.
The idea of Immunity extends beyond an individual: ‘Herd Immunity’ is defined as a form of indirect protection from infectious disease that occurs when a sufficient percentage of a population has become immune to an infection, whether through vaccination or previous infections, thereby reducing the likelihood of infection for individuals who lack immunity.
This stands very true for our emotional immunity as well. If we surround ourselves with positive, motivated people, we ‘inherit’ those strengths and become immune to smaller, unnecessary problems. On the contrary, if we surround ourselves with toxic, narrow-minded people, we end up developing immunity to positive progression.
Either ways, we develop immunity basis who we surround ourselves by.
Another very interesting point to note:
Experts are suggesting that one of the densest, most poor, and most unhygienic parts of Mumbai – Dharavi (also the biggest slum of Asia) is one of the first places ever to head towards Herd Immunity!
How? How does an area, that has one of the least sanitation facilities, and has one of the densest populations in the world, being able to develop natural immunity towards a global pandemic? Read more about it here:
What’s interesting to learn from this is that:
It’s the most challenging circumstances that create the strongest soldiers.
The very fact that the residents of Dharavi have been exposed to the harshest conditions for the longest time is the reason why they have just grown stronger – stronger than the people who are not exposed to challenging situations.
So the next time you find yourself stuck in a difficult emotional situation, remember –
Visit: for more information, or call/whatsapp Ms. Seema Agarwal: +91 98205 76682