Social anxiety is the reluctance to engage in interpersonal & social situations you normally enjoy, because you’re worried about making a mistake, feeling awkward, or embarrassing yourself around others. A lot of people experienced some form of this even before the COVID-19 pandemic, whether it was self-consciousness before a first […]
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Being Alone Doesn’t Mean You Are Lonely
Being single, whether by choice or not, must mean you’re lonely, right? We don’t know where the myth came from that being on your own means you’re desperately pining for someone else to complete you, but there’s a major difference between being alone and being lonely. Even if you were […]
Read MoreImportance of travelling, and how it helps open up your mind
The pandemic has taught us all how important travel is for us. Being stuck in our daily lives with restricted movements has left us feeling mentally and physically exhausted. But with places opening, it’s time to restart responsibly. It’s no news that travel is good for your physical wellbeing, but […]
Read MoreRead this if you’ve been struggling to let go.
We’ve all been blessed with heart-breaking situations where people have wronged us or things haven’t gone the way we would like. Moving past them is difficult. If you’ve ended a relationship, job or time in your life, it’s tough to let go and move on. Your logical mind gets sucked […]
Read MoreWhy is mental health more than offering mental health “perks” to employees.
The top priority for many employees today is mental health. A survey found that 59% of employees named stress and burnout as their top concern for workplace well-being. They don’t want to sacrifice their well-being for the financial goals of any company and don’t want to work somewhere where mental […]
Read MoreCompassion: Your biggest strength to become a successful leader.
A global pandemic, Depression-level unemployment, civil and political unrest –across all countries. it feels as if the world as we know it is faltering. Now more than ever, it’s imperative for leaders to demonstrate compassion. Compassion is the quality of having positive intentions and real concern for others. Compassion in […]
Read MoreToxic Positivity: We shouldn’t have to pretend that everything’s OK when it isn’t.
It is almost impossible to go on Facebook or Instagram without seeing quotes or comments accompanied with motivational words such as, “Look on the bright side,” “Focus on the good things,” or “Be positive.” If anything, the pandemic has exacerbated the phenomenon of “toxic positivity.” “It’s going to be OK,” […]
Read MoreThe Power Of Kindness
Can you recall a time somebody was kind to you? Now change the scenario and think of a time you were kind to another person? Call to mind their reaction and how you responded. Move into your heart and notice the feelings there. Kindness affects the user and the experiencer […]
Read MoreSelf Compassion: The road to inward love
Have you ever lost your temper at…yourself? Blamed and then beat yourself up a little inside for doing something you regret? Maybe you’ve been harsh with someone, only to be much harsher with yourself later? It’s easy to be tough on yourself—we tend to do it much, much more than […]
Read MoreEmpathy: Everyone needs to feel understood.
Did you know that 98% of people have the ability to empathize with others? Empathy is a word that is used often by many people. It’s commonly known that empathy is a good thing to have, but it isn’t always a priority in people’s lives. While a large majority of […]
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