Breaking Free from the Chains of Anxiety

Living with anxiety can be an overwhelming and challenging experience. To cope with the discomfort, individuals often develop avoidance behaviors as a means of self-protection. While avoidance may provide temporary relief, it can perpetuate anxiety in the long run.  The Cycle of Anxiety Avoidance: 1. Seeking Safety in Avoidance: Understanding […]

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Untangling the Web of Overthinking

In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, it’s all too easy to get caught in the snare of overthinking. We find ourselves trapped in a web of endless thoughts, replaying scenarios, and analyzing every possible outcome. Overthinking can be exhausting, overwhelming, and detrimental to our emotional well-being. In […]

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Social Anxiety in the new normal

Social anxiety is the reluctance to engage in interpersonal & social situations you normally enjoy, because you’re worried about making a mistake, feeling awkward, or embarrassing yourself around others. A lot of people experienced some form of this even before the COVID-19 pandemic, whether it was self-consciousness before a first […]

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