As author Yehuda Berg states, “Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity… Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.” The words we choose and how we use them can make others up or tear them down; bring the community together or rip it apart. Our words are powerful and should be treated with respect. So how do our words impact others, and how can we choose them wisely?
Our words have meaning. The greatest mistake we can make is believing our words have no value in other people’s lives. Have you ever had a discussion with someone and, for whatever reason, can still remember it practically verbatim years down the road? Now consider a similar discussion in someone else’s life your words could be the ones they’ve in their head. The words we choose mean something. Whether that meaning is positive or negative is up to you. When we recognize the value our words have, we take the first step in bettering our community.
Our words are remembered. However, then they’re surely remembered If words have meaning. Consider the child in class whose teacher tells him he’s never going to be as good of a student as his elderly family. This comment, which could mean nothing to the teacher, will always be remembered by the child. In contrast, think of the child whose teacher tells him how much she believes in him. Even a simple comment can always make an impact — either uplifting or defeating. What you say now could be remembered for years to come, so choose carefully.
Our words make a difference. Our words, when chosen correctly, can make a positive contribution to our own lives and the lives of those around us. When we recognize the power our words have, we see the impact they can have and we choose them based on what kind of difference we want to make.
Speak with mindfulness. So how can we choose our words wisely? By being aware of those we use and the effect they have. Mindfulness is more than just allowing before speaking. It’s recognizing the people around us and promoting a more compassionate society through our language choice. Rather than speaking out emotionally and uncontrollably on any issue, mindfulness means giving careful consideration and thought to how your words could impact others. When we speak with mindfulness, we create a more positive and humanitarian world.
Because words are powerful and need to be used mindfully with others and ourselves.