A little faith goes a long way

“Have faith, everything will work out”
“You’ve got this. Have faith in yourself”

We’ve all grown up to our well-wishers reminding us of a better tomorrow. For us to be patient, for us to work harder, and for us to ‘Have faith’.

But what do we mean by faith?
Is it luck? Destiny?
Or is it just the idea of believing?

The formal definition of faith is ‘complete trust or confidence in someone or something.’

The psychological definition: That 1% element of ‘believing in yourself that is required to conquer any and every situation.

Now imagine a world where we added just 1% faith in ourselves every single day. You wake up to a set of tasks, some routine, some new, some rather seeming impossible. Now add 1% faith in yourself, and see how you get 1% more efficient at your routine, 1% closer to making your new task a routine, and 1% more confident in making the impossible task seem possible.

A little faith goes a long way – whether it’s having faith in yourself, or in someone around you. It is our faith in others that allows us to trust them and confide in them. A simple example – is job recruitment. Had recruitments been done only and purely on the basis of merit and on-paper qualifications, more than 90% of us would be left unemployed. It is the employer’s faith in us, in our ability to excel and prove ourselves beyond the papers, that gives them the confidence to share their passion with you.

Similarly, imagine if relationships did not have faith in them. We would be measuring the relationships by gives & takes, being burdened by insecurities, and dismantling it when the going got tough. It’s the element of faith, the element of ‘it will all work out, and the element of ‘I know what I am doing for myself is right’ is what keeps the flame burning.

There are countless examples of how faith plays a small, yet substantial role in everything that we do – then why not have faith in yourself? The moment you start adding 1% more faith in yourself, you’ll feel like you can achieve anything in life – nothing can stop you.

Success is just a knock away. Have a little faith and open the door.

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