Mrs. Sunita Chiplonkar had a few golden words to share about her perspective of Anantam:
Anantam is the infinite. It is the endless and the eternal. Anantam is a world full of opportunities and possibilities. Anantam is the promise of plenty.
Most times, the ‘problem’ isn’t really the problem. It’s the denial of the actual issue that leads to an unhealthy state of mind. The first step towards psychological & emotional wellbeing is acceptance. When we accept, only then can we work towards bringing about a change. As parents, as teachers we need to inculcate into young children and students, the acceptance of
“life as it is”. Very often we miss that one step early and sometimes it causes us to trip and fall later.
Once you accept reality, things fall in place. Your dreams run in sync with your abilities; emotional, physical and intellectual. Acceptance of the circumstances as they are, helps in becoming a better adjusted person. All of this leads to all the blocks falling in the places meant for them and one can lead a balanced, healthy and happy life. Acceptance leads to adjustment and this helps in developing an open mind and a flexible attitude. A mind that can think of many different solutions and not cave into problems. If you have a concern, Anantam will provide you with the tools to resolve it. But don’t wait for the concerns to get out of hand. Where the possibilities are limitless, it’s always good to begin early.
Approach Anantam, discover a new you.
Rightly said !!
Acceptance is a hard choice one has to make to move forward 👍