The Challenges of the Millenial – By Ms. Jamuna Rajagopal

Think jet setters who are constantly on the move, confident individuals who dare to dream big, tech-savvy & ambitious souls who stand up for what’s right, and you will know we are talking about the Millenials – that’s the stigma attached with this bold and passionate group.

Millennials are the ones who are between the ages of 22 to 38. They tend to seek new challenges and are not afraid of questioning authority. However, the older generation refuses to take them or their actions seriously.

Never have so many youngsters been instrumental in making the world a Global Village with their ability to access any information in the blink of the eye.

Their lifestyle is about living free in an open society, creating infinite opportunities to achieve success. They are highly adaptable, curious, fast learners, unfazed by mistakes, skilled technophiles……., and also the most anxious!!!

Many of the Millennials run around with too many tabs open in their heads. They constantly toggle between screens compulsively, check on social media, multitask, and cancel commitments due to exhaustion. Young adults check their phones anywhere between 65 to 200 times a day beginning within minutes of waking up.

Life has become a constant cycle of hi-fi applications, sleep deprivation, and high expectations from social media. At most times, media is used not to communicate but brag. This phenomenon is not restricted to any particular economic or social status.

Often burdened with financial debts like a student loan, business loan, soaring rents, constraints in the workplace due to limited resources while struggling to build wealth, are but a few key factors that cause higher stress levels, leading to anxiety and depression as compared to the previous generation.

And now in the midst of the global pandemic, the sense of hopelessness and despair is plaguing their mental health, turning to unhealthy ways of coping like alcoholism, drug abuse, overeating junk food, and self-harm.

Latest studies suggest that mental well-being is becoming a priority for the Millennials. They are more likely to look for help, destigmatizing the need for counseling. They believe in a holistic view of wellness which will allow them to communicate with counselors, with the key operation being the follow-up engagements.

One such entity that’s taking the lead in addressing mental health concerns of millennials is ANANTAM, and at the helm of ANANTAM is an ever cheerful and energetic Ms. SEEMA AGARWAL. She is a compassionate and patient listener who strives for perfection in whatever she does. Essentially possesses all the qualities of a good counsellor!

Best Wishes for all the Success and Fulfilment in this New Endeavour!

About the author:

Ms. Jamuna Rajagopal

Jamuna Rajagopal aims to make a difference in the lives of her students. She enjoys listening to music and solve Sudoku in her free time.

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